Peter MacIntyre, Associate
Peter MacIntyre is an independent Associate of TDB. He has wide-ranging experience across Government and the private sector, including 12 years working in strategic advisory services. He has completed ten reviews of Primary Growth Partnerships (PGPs) including the largest, the Transforming Dairy Value Chain PGP, where his focus was on the value of dairy genetics. Other reviews covered another dairy PGP and programmes covering sheep and goat milk, manuka honey, beef, lamb and venison where he examined the performance of these PGPs and their value.
Peter recently worked on the case for boosting funding to mitigate agricultural greenhouse gases. This effort saw Government and industry significantly increase these resources. This was followed by an assignment on how this funding might be prioritised between research aimed at reducing methane and nitrous oxide and increasing soil carbon. He has also investigated NZ’s bioeconomy and the value of NZ’s agritech sector.
Peter analysed the policy options for a staged deregulation of Fonterra’s raw milk supply to competitors. This involved assessing the costs and benefits of deregulatory options against the attributes of an efficient market and whether market entry of other milk processors depended on the regulated supply of Fonterra’s raw milk. He also provided an evaluation of the likely costs and wider impacts of different types of fruit fly outbreak on the kiwifruit, the wider horticultural sectors and New Zealand overall.
An evaluation of the economic impact of wasps saw him undertake the first detailed investigation of this question. It found significant overall costs due primarily to wasps’ predation of, and competition with, honeybees and impact on pollination. It is available at
Earlier in his advisory career Peter was seconded to the Ministry for the Environment to work on RMA reform where he focused on private property and appeal rights. He has also provided advice on improving NZ’s management of its water resources including work for Environment Waikato on new approaches to the allocation of fresh water.
In the private sector, Peter specialised in economics, strategy and regulation in the telecoms, media and energy sectors working for Telecom, Contact Energy and Vodafone. During his seven years at Treasury, he focused on monitoring and sales of state-owned enterprises including television, radio, forestry, energy and airport companies. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he worked on disarmament and arms control and relations with Latin America which included three years in the NZ Embassy in Chile.
Peter has a B(Com) Agricultural Economics & Marketing – Lincoln College and a M(Com) Economics – University of Canterbury. He is a Trustee of the Turamoe Farm Trust and speaks Spanish and some Russian.