Iwi Investment
Over the last twenty years, around 70 iwi have reached Treaty settlements with the Crown. The settlements total around $2.4b. In our third annual Iwi Investment Report, TDB estimate iwi have now grown their total assets to around $7.8b.
The eight iwi covered in our report – which account for around 60% of the assets of all post-settlement iwi – have all steadily increased their net assets per member over the last five years. Two iwi, Auckland-based Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and South Island-based Ngāi Tahu have performed particularly well, with average returns of 16% p.a. and 13% p.a. respectively. Ōrākei’s portfolio however is risky, being made up solely of Auckland property. Waikato-Tainui and Raukawa have generated average returns in line with our benchmark (9% p.a.), portfolio. Tuhoe, Ngāpuhi (which has yet to settle), Ngāti Porou and Rangitāne o Wairau have generated lower returns. Our report looks at how the eight iwi have structured their activities, the investment strategies they have adopted and how their investments have fared.

Featured in the TDB Digest Jan 2018