Ports’ financial performance, 2015 – 24

Ports' financial performance, 2015 - 24 Ports are vital to the prosperity of New Zealand. A thriving port sector not only connects New Zealand to the rest of the world but also contributes to growth in the wider economy. Our latest report examines the financial performance of [...]

Ports: what role for mixed ownership?

Ports: what role for mixed ownership? The great majority of the international published and peer reviewed empirical literature finds that a degree of private ownership tends to improve firms’ performance on average and over time. Key reasons are that the incentives and ability to monitor 100% government-owned [...]

Comcom – Covid-19 and Regulated Returns

Comcom – Covid-19 and Regulated Returns The Covid-19 period coincides with the period the Commerce Commission uses when estimating several key parameters in its current Input Methodologies review. This creates a risk that the estimates which the Commission derives from data over the last three years are [...]

Funding fire and emergency services

Funding fire and emergency services On 1 July last year, fire and emergency services in New Zealand were amalgamated into one entity, Fire and Emergency Services NZ (FENZ). The amalgamation was accompanied by a remarkable 40% increase in average levies. In a recent report for the Property [...]

Georgia – The Public Sector Balance Sheet

Georgia - The Public Sector Balance Sheet The New Zealand government currently owns thirteen state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The Georgian government on the other hand owns approximately 160 SOEs with a further 70-plus owned by local government. Over the last year, TDB director Phil Barry has had the [...]

Funding NZ fire-services

Funding New Zealand's fire-services TDB is pleased to have contributed to the work of the Property Council that has led to the government announcing a review of the funding of fire services in New Zealand. The government has said it recognises the problems with the current regime’s [...]

State-owned enterprises in Georgia

State-owned enterprises in Georgia The New Zealand government currently owns thirteen state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The Georgian government on the other hand owns approximately 160 SOEs with a further 70-plus owned by local government. Over the last year, TDB director Phil Barry has had the opportunity to work [...]