Georgia – The Public Sector Balance Sheet

Georgia - The Public Sector Balance Sheet The New Zealand government currently owns thirteen state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The Georgian government on the other hand owns approximately 160 SOEs with a further 70-plus owned by local government. Over the last year, TDB director Phil Barry has had the [...]

State-owned enterprises in Georgia

State-owned enterprises in Georgia The New Zealand government currently owns thirteen state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The Georgian government on the other hand owns approximately 160 SOEs with a further 70-plus owned by local government. Over the last year, TDB director Phil Barry has had the opportunity to work [...]

The Mixed Ownership Model – did it work?

The Mixed-Ownership Model - did it work? In a recent article in the NBR entitled “SOEs’ selldown rewarded investors, not taxpayers”, Brent Sheather discussed the results of the selldown by the Crown of 49% of its shares in Meridian Energy, Genesis Energy and Mercury (the “Mixed Ownership [...]

The Wellbeing Framework

The Wellbeing Framework The Government’s wellbeing approach to its budget and policy-making has been held up as a world-leading new approach. But how new is it really, and most importantly, will it actually make us better off? In a recent article in the NBR, TDB Director Phil [...]